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The industry wants Uniclass 2015 and not Uniclass 2. This is constantly being miss sold by the NBS that create can do both or there is a button etc. Bit disappointing, this has been so slow to come through into practice and still doesn't exist at the moment. NBS terminology also doesn't seem consistent e.g. revisions and milestones.... Nick was brilliant though. – Do you have any other comments about today's session?

  • 9/10 – How would you score the content of today's course?
  • 10/10 – Thinking about the pace and delivery of the session, how would you rate today's trainer?
  • 10/10 – How knowledgeable was the trainer?
  • 7/10 – How well do you think we achieved the aims and objectives of the session?
  • 7/10 – How likely are you to recommend Training from NBS to colleagues or friends?

19 Dec 18